There are many ways to be an effective advocate. Talk about your practice at public hearings, attend local meetings hosted by your elected officials, or join CSDA staff and testify at hearings on legislation important to our profession. If that sounds right up your alley, let us know and we can give you information to get started. Advocacy can also simply involve finding your legislator, signing up for their mailing list, and when issues arise, making sure you voice your opinion. If you're interest in taking one step further, consider becoming a contact. This means you are responsible for keeping one legislator informed on oral health issues; it doesn't mean talking politics, but talking about what it takes to treat patients in our state. This is critical for legislators to understand our perspective when they vote on a bill.
If you have a close relationship to a legislator, please contact Kathlene Gerrity. Kathlene will ensure you are up to date on all bills important to organized dentistry.
"Often times, we bump into our Legislators at restaurants, gas pumps and our kid's schools. These relationships are invaluable, as they generate conversations. If you do not know our political agenda, that is okay. Talk about what your problem is. Talk about insurance having an impact on your payroll. Talk about the cost of gloves. Talk about workforce shortages. Tell them you are available to be their Dental Advisor. Remember, our agenda is patient-centric. All of our issues have to do with providing the best care to our patients and providing employees with job satisfaction."
~ Dr. David Fried, General Dentist from Wallingford
Connecticut Dental Political Action Committee (CODPAC)
If any of these issues affect you, consider becoming involved with CODPAC. CODPAC represents the "Tooth Party" and supports legislators, regardless of political party, who represent dentists and the issues affecting them.