CE Series: October 16, 2024

In-Person at the Aqua Turf
Part I: Long Term Effects – Realistic Expectations with Implant Restorations
Part II: Battlefield Prosthodontics
6 CE Credits
Location: In-Person at the Aqua Turf
(566 Mulberry St, Plantsville, CT)
This is designed to be interactive and I am sure we can learn a few things and have a lot of fun too….
Part I: Long Term Effects – Realistic Expectations with Implant Restorations
The use of dental implants has changed prosthodontics forever. We will ask the questions: "Are implants better than teeth?” and “Are teeth better than implants?”
This presentation will raise issues on the positive and negative aspects of our use of dental implants focusing on the timing of when to make decisions to utilize this relatively new technology. In addition, we will delve into questions regarding the retention of questionable teeth and what we might do as prosthodontists to keep healthy teeth healthy. Expectations from appropriate periodontal treatments to save ailing teeth
will also be discussed.
Part II: Battlefield Prosthodontics
This presentation will use cases requiring dental prosthetics to illustrate how, in certain situations seeing no obvious solutions, we may choose to break a rule or two in our quest to not simply satisfy but exceed expectations. Our world has mechanical dimensions, artistic limits, uncertainty, and even teamwork as we depend upon others like our indispensable technical colleagues, to produce our results. Such is the chosen profession of the prosthodontist where compromise, creativity, ingenuity, skill, talent, experience, and resourcefulness may all come into play. And then, choosing within a range of alternatives, there’s that judgement thing that is so hard to quantify.